Sunday, 19 November 2017

Children in Need

Rocket Challenges

We split up into three groups to explore forces through creating rockets.  Group 1 were given a quiz and independently did some research on the NASA children's clubhouse website.  

Group two created Air Powered Rockets - using paper rockets, toothpicks and straws.  We had to investigate how far we could get our rocket to fly and consider what impacted on the flight distance and speed.  

Group three explored balloon powered rockets  using balloons, rope, tape and straws. Again we were investigating what changes we could make to make the rockets fly faster/smoother/further etc.  

We rotated through our groups so that we had a chance to investigate all three areas.  

Firework Safety

In p4, we love doing science experiments and when thinking about firework safety, came across this experiment about creating fireworks in a jar.  We had to add some water to a container, then in a separate container, we add some food colouring to oil.  We then poured the oil onto the water.  

Our thoughts/reactions: 
'At first the oil and colours stayed on top.  Then the colours started moving to the bottom of the container.'
'It was like silent mini explosions in the cup.'
'Only some of the colours worked, but they popped in the water'.
'When we mixed them after a while, it created a whirlpool in the water.'

Our Solar System

We kick started this term off exploring a talking tub.  This was a box which was full of a variety of resources all relating to our theme this term of Space.  There were objects such as newspaper articles, photographs, posters, DVDs, toys.  As a class we discussed the objects that we came across, noting down facts and information that we already know about our topic and creating a list of questions that we wanted to find out more about.  We already knew an amazing amount of information about space which we shared and we also have a wall in our classroom dedicated to all the questions that we would like to try and answer!  We have started our topic off with a group project to create a power point presentation about a planet of our own choosing as finding our more about each of the planets was one of the most common questions that cropped up.  

Roots of Empathy

At the end of p3, we had a small party with Mr Tulloch to celebrate the work we had done through the Roots of Empathy.  Unfortunately, Baby Spencer was unwell and not able to attend the party.  However, last month Spencer (not such a baby now!) and his mum Andrina popped in to see us at Glaitness and we were able to see how much he had grown, share our good wishes for his future and give him a small gift.  We were all amazed to see that he is now walking and can even say a few words!  It was lovely to have him in.  A big thank you to Mr Tulloch for organising this for us and to Andrina and Spencer for coming in to see us. 

A busy busy term!

We have been learning so many new things this term.  Here is a sample of a few of the activities that we have been undertaking.  ...